Brent Borough Plan 2023-2027

Moving Brent Forward Together

The Borough Plan sets out the Council’s vision for the next four years and its primary aim is ‘Moving Forward Together’. There is an emphasis how we will work with others to support people through the cost-of-living crisis, realise our climate change ambitions and harness our diverse range of communities. Central to our ambitions is making Brent the best it can be for everyone who lives and works in the borough. The five strategic priorities in the Borough Plan are:

  • Prosperity and Stability in Brent
  • A Cleaner, Greener Future
  • Thriving Communities
  • The Best Start in Life
  • A Healthier Brent

Find out more about each of the Borough Plan’s themes below – click on the theme you are interested in to see the key priorities the Council is focusing on, and to explore supporting data and council strategies related to this theme.

   Click on a theme to explore...

Read the Borough Plan here: