- Brent
The constitution sets out how the council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that decision making is efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of the procedures are required by law, while others are a matter for the council.
The constitution is divided into six parts. These contain the procedural and other rules, codes, protocols as well as the members’ allowances scheme. Parts two and three set out the rules governing the council’s business and which part of the council is responsible for various functions.
The constitution was originally adopted by the council at our annual meeting on 22 May 2002 and is subject to regular reviews and amendments. It was last updated in February 2020.
This information has been published in line with the local government Transparency Code 2015. The code has been designed to give to increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process and help shape public services. Information about other transparency related datasets, published on Brent Open Data, can be found on the Transparency code - key datasets page.