Population projections for Brent by age, gender and ward, from the Greater London Authority (GLA). Provided below are: the raw datasets; a briefing which summarises the data for Brent with accompanying tables; and a link to an interactive tool which allows users to explore the data in more detail.

About the data

The GLA publishes a range of population projections on GLA datastore. In addition, it provides individual London Boroughs with a ‘Borough Preferred Option’ (BPO) projection, which draws on the latest data about planned housing development, provided by the Council. The datasets below relate to the 2021-based BPO (Interim) projections for Brent produced by the GLA in spring 2023. More details about the GLA's projection methodology is published on GLA datastore.  Data copyright: © GLA 2021-based demographic projections.


Projections are subject to considerable uncertainty. In effect, the figures provide different scenarios of what might happen if certain assumptions are made about future trends in births, deaths and migration flows. Three variant projections are provided which make different assumptions around future migration flows, based on averaging past periods of migration behaviours. These are:

  • Scenario 1: The 5-year variant (which draws on migration data from 2017-2021).
  • Scenario 2: The 10-year variant (which draws on migration data from 2012-2021).
  • Scenario 3: The 15-year variant (which draws on migration data from 2007-2021).

Use the interactive tool below to explore the impact of the different scenarios on projected growth.

Data limitations: caveats about ward level data

These projections are labelled as ‘interim’ and ward level data need to be treated with some caution. The projections do not yet fully take on board small area census data, so baseline figures for wards are not wholly consistent with 2021 census ward estimates. The briefing below provides more detail about this issue - see Appendix 5. 

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Last Update
a year ago  