Factsheet summarising the EUSS data for Brent
The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) enables EU, Swiss and other EEA citizens, to obtain UK immigration status by the end of the Brexit transition period. Family members with other nationalities can also apply. For most applicants, the deadline was 30 June 2021. Note: EEA=European Economic Area.
EUSS statistics provide useful insight about Brent's European population. Key points:
These figures relate to the number of applications not the number of people. Some applicants may have applied more than once (eg for both pre-settled and settled status). Nationally, the Home Office estimates that repeat applications represent around 9% of all EUSS applications received.
The links below provide a summary data for Brent and links to the full datasets published by the Home Office.
Note: Analysis based on December 2021 EUSS data published by the Home Office in 24th February 2022.
The PDF factsheet may not be fully accessible for users of assistive technologies. If you require the material in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements ([email protected]).
Factsheet summarising the EUSS data for Brent
Summary table for Brent - excel format
Summary data for Brent - csv format
Link to datasets - EUSS statistics to Dec 2021 by local authority (Home Office)