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London Borough of Brent
Updated a month ago

Provides details of environmental prosecutions from 2016-present. Last updated June 2023. The Council enforces trading, licensing and public health legislation covering all aspects of consumer protection issues, rogue traders and food premises. It also enforces anti-fraud legislation in relation to dishonest claims for benefit. If businesses have been prosecuted for Health and Safety breaches, the details are published on the Health and Safety Executive website.

London Borough of Brent
Updated 6 months ago

Strategies and plans for a range of Brent Council's initiatives

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) are developed jointly by local authorities, health and social care partners. They provide a picture of the health and wider determinants of health, and wellbeing needs of the local population, where key issues are identified using an evidence-based approach. Brent’s JSNA has been developed as an interactive tool, hosted in Power BI, to present the latest...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 4 years ago

Ward results from the Brent Residents Attitude Survey 2018. The survey is a face-to-face survey of 2,100 representative residents carried out during May-June 2018 which captures residents' views about their neighbourhood and the council.  Topics include: Community and local area: local priorities and community safety How residents spend their time: employment, health and culture Digital Brent and accessing information:...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 4 years ago

Results of the Brent Residents Attitude Survey 2018. Residents Attitude Survey is a face-to-face survey of 2,100 representative residents carried out May-June 2018 asking residents about their neighbourhood, the council and themselves. Topics include Community and local area – local priorities and community safety How residents spend their time – employment, health, and culture Digital Brent and accessing information...

London Borough of Brent
Added 4 years ago

Update: Please note the 2019/20 JSNA has been superseded by the 2023 JSNA. The report below has been retained here for reference purposes. Noise is unwanted sound that may be considered a nuisance by those affected but may not qualify as actionable noise nuisance to the local authority. In Brent music and live music represents the most significant reported noise source that is actionable as...

London Borough of Brent
Added 4 years ago

Update: Please note the 2019/20 JSNA has been superseded by the 2023 JSNA. The report below has been retained here for reference purposes. Overall air pollution in Brent is declining. There are several air quality hot spots in the borough, mainly around town centres where there is high road traffic congestion. 56% of air pollution (NOx) in Brent is from road transport, and over...

London Borough of Brent
Added 4 years ago

Update: Please note the 2019/20 JSNA has been superseded by the 2023 JSNA. The report below has been retained here for reference purposes. Climate change has numerous implications for public health. These are uniformly likely to affect vulnerable residents most severely, and include poor air quality, more frequent and severe extreme weather events and potential for water and food scarcity. This report is part of...