This briefing summarises census data about sexual orientation and gender identity in Brent. All figures relate to the adult population aged 16 and over. 

Update: Data quality - census gender identity statistics

In November 2023, ONS released a report on the quality of gender identity data collected on the census which raises some questions about how accurate the data might be. The review acknowledges that some areas (like Brent) had a higher rate of trans responses than might have been expected and discusses possible reasons for this. These quality issues should be considered when interpreting the census data on gender identity enclosed in this briefing.

Accessing 2021 census data

2021 census data can found on the NOMIS website - the official website for census and labour market statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). NOMIS also provides access to statistics from previous censuses.

The ONS has produced an interactive mapping tool which allows exploration of 2021 census data by gender identity and sexual orientation across local authority and small areas (MSOAs).


The briefing below is provided here in PDF format and efforts have been made to ensure that the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you cannot access the material and require it in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements. Data tables used to create the charts and tables in the report have been made available below in spreadsheet format, along with a series of additional data tables. 

More information

To access other census reports about the Brent population, see the 2021 Census: data and resources page on open data.

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Last Update
10 months ago  
2 files