- Brent
- Wards
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is publishing a range of 2021 census datasets, in stages, during 2022 and 2023. Most 2021 census data published to date can found on the NOMIS website - the official website for census and labour market statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Bespoke census tables can also be created using the ONS custom table builder.
The Council is carrying out analysis of the data to draw out key insights about the Brent population. Reports and resources published to date are listed below:
The ONS has produced an interactive mapping tool which allows exploration of 2021 census data for different topics for areas across England & Wales.
The Greater London Authority (GLA) has produced a London Census Explorer mapping tool which allows exploration of census data at ward and LSOA level across London.
To explore census data for a specific area and build an area profile - see the ONS Build a custom area profile - this allows users to get data by different area types, for example a local neighbourhood or ward. For a 2021 census profile of the borough in table form, see the ONS area profile for Brent.
The ONS has also provided an interactive visualisation to help explore how the Brent population has changed over the last ten years and how it compared with other areas.
And for fun, you can play the ONS Census quiz to see how well you know your own area.