2021 Census ward profiles for Brent - interactive tool. The profiles provide a summary of 2021 census indicators for each ward across a range of topics. These include: demography, diversity, employment, qualifications, housing and health.

Alternative formats and accessibility

The tool is visual in nature and not fully accessible to users of assistive technologies. Ward profiles have also been made available below in table format (excel spreadsheets). If you cannot access the material you need and require it in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements.

Individual ward profiles, generated by the interactive tool, are also available in PDF format on request by emailing the open data team: [email protected]. Please specify which ward you would like the profile for.

More information

To access other census products and reports about the Brent population, see the 2021 Census: data and resources page on open data.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  