Housing indicators from the 2021 Census mapped.

This census atlas provides a set of maps detailing how a range of housing indicators vary at small area level across Brent. The maps show variation across Brent’s 181 Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs). Figures are also shown for the borough’s 22 ward areas in chart form alongside each map. The atlas is designed to complement the Housing in Brent census topic report, also available on open data, which provides an analysis of census data relating to housing.


The report below is provided here in PDF format, and while efforts have been made to ensure that the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies, most of the content is visual in nature. The data tables used to create all maps, charts and tables contained in the report have been made available below in spreadsheet format. If you cannot access the material you need and require it in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements.

More information

To access other census reports about the Brent population, see the 2021 Census: data and resources page on open data.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  
2 files