This table provides 2021 census data on main language by proficiency in spoken English for Brent. The table is based on the population aged 3 and over, as at March 2021.

About this data

The census form asked respondents what their main language was: English or another language. Those using a language other than English were asked to specify the language, and also to say how well they could speak English. The table below provides data on levels of proficiency in spoken English for different languages, or groups of languages.

Data source: Office for National Statistics, Census 2021 (Commissioned table CT21_0132). © Crown Copyright 2023.

More information

A summary analysis of census language data for Brent can be found in the Language in Brent - 2021 Census topic report. To access other census reports about the Brent population, see the 2021 Census: data and resources page on open data.


The table below is in excel format. If you cannot access the material and require it in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements. 

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