Update: Please note the 2019/20 JSNA has been superseded by the 2023 JSNA. The report below has been retained here for reference purposes.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a procedure where the female genital organs are injured or changed and there is no medical reason for this. FGM has been a specific criminal offence in the UK since 1985 and is internationally recognised as a violation of women’s human rights and a form of child abuse.

This report is part of the JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment) which looks at the current and future health and care needs of the local population. The JSNA explores the wider social factors that impact a person’s health and wellbeing, to inform the commissioning of health services within the borough.

A list of all JSNA reports can be found on the Brent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2019/20 open data page.

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3 years ago  