TopicEmployment, business and the economy
London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

This report looks at the pay gap by gender, ethnicity and disability, for all Brent Council employees (excluding schools). The latest report relates to the workforce as at 31st March 2023. The report has been published as part of the Council’s commitment to transparency and includes the gender pay gap data required as outlined in the Equality Act Regulations 2017.   Information about...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

The council’s pay policy outlines Brent’s policy on pay and benefits for all employees (excluding schools) and has been developed to meet the relevant statutory provisions of the Localism Act 2011. The policy includes data on the ‘pay multiple’ which is the ratio between the highest paid salary and the lowest/median. This information has been published in line with the local government...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

The Council’s annual workforce equalities report presents the demographics of council staff and details progress on meeting workforce equality objectives. Accessibility: The latest report is provided in PDF format and is visual in nature, including numerous charts. Efforts have been made to ensure the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you require the material in a different format,...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 6 months ago

Strategies and plans for a range of Brent Council's initiatives

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about patterns of economic activity in Brent, and explores levels of labour market participation across different population groups. Accessibility The briefing below is provided here in PDF format and efforts have been made to ensure that the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you cannot access the material and require it...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about qualifications levels in Brent, and explores how levels vary by area, and across different population groups. Accessibility The briefing below is provided here in PDF format and efforts have been made to ensure that the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you cannot access the material and require it in a...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 years ago

This profile brings together various data about the Brent labour market. The profile is produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and includes statistics about: Employment and unemployment Economic inactivity Employment by occupation Qualifications Earnings Out-of-work benefits Jobs Businesses The data are hosted on the NOMIS website - the ONS site for...

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 years ago

Title: 2001 to 2011 Census Ward Economic Activity Description of Indicator: 2001 and 2011 Census data - economic activity at the ward level, including a comparison Source of Data: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Period Covered: 2001 to 2011 2001 Census source table: UV028 2011 Census source table: QS601EW Copyright: Adapted from data from the Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0

London Borough of Brent
Updated 3 years ago

Description of Indicator: Key statistics from the 2001 Census. Covers a range of different indicators for Brent including those for resident population, age structure, living arrangements, ethnic group and religion. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Period Covered: 2001 Geographic coverage: Brent, London and England

Office for National Statistics
Updated 3 years ago

Title: 2011 Census ward economic activity by ethnic group by gender by age Description of Indicator: Population by economic activity by ethnic group by gender by age - ward level Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Period Covered: 2011 2011 Census Table: DC6201EW Copyright: Adapted from data from the Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0