London Borough of Brent
Updated 9 days ago

Details of trade union facility time from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Data are provided for central function employees and education function employees separately. Data include: number of staff who are union representatives, percentage of hours spent on facility time, and total pay bill and facility time costs. This information has been published in line with the local government...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 9 months ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about housing in Brent. This includes analysis of households by: housing tenure, accommodation type, household size, occupancy levels and type of central heating. Census housing data at ward and small area level has also been analysed and mapped in a separate ‘census atlas’ report - this is also available on Brent Open Data. Accessibility The briefing is...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) are developed jointly by local authorities, health and social care partners. They provide a picture of the health and wider determinants of health, and wellbeing needs of the local population, where key issues are identified using an evidence-based approach. Brent’s JSNA has been developed as an interactive tool, hosted in Power BI, to present the latest...

Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research
Updated 3 years ago

The Council commissioned this research in order to better understand the relationship between the various ‘affordable’ housing products currently available in Brent, the ‘customer base’ for whom these products might actually be affordable, the income profile of different household types in Brent, and the sections of the population to whom the different ‘affordable’ products are suitable. The objective was to understand...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 3 years ago

Update: This briefing pre-dates the release of 2021 Census figures, so most data in the report have been superseded. The report has been retained here for reference. For the latest census data and reports, please see the Census page on open data.  This briefing provides a profile of the Brent population according to the nine protected characteristics named in the Equality...