Content TypeDatasets
TopicPeople and places
London Borough of Brent
Updated a month ago

The Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme provides support for residents who are financially vulnerable and require assistance to pay their Council Tax. The report below provides data on the number of households in Brent receiving CTS by ward. Data are updated monthly. Related datasets: Statistics are also available on open data on the number of Council Tax exemptions and surcharges/premiums by ward.

London Borough of Brent
Updated 6 months ago

Strategies and plans for a range of Brent Council's initiatives

London Borough of Brent
Updated 8 months ago

This briefing summarises census data about sexual orientation and gender identity in Brent. All figures relate to the adult population aged 16 and over.  Update: Data quality - census gender identity statistics In November 2023, ONS released a report on the quality of gender identity data collected on the census which raises some questions about how accurate the data might be. The...

Greater London Authority
Updated a year ago

Population projections for Brent by age, gender and ward, from the Greater London Authority (GLA). Provided below are: the raw datasets; a briefing which summarises the data for Brent with accompanying tables; and a link to an interactive tool which allows users to explore the data in more detail. About the data The GLA publishes a range of population projections on GLA datastore....

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) are developed jointly by local authorities, health and social care partners. They provide a picture of the health and wider determinants of health, and wellbeing needs of the local population, where key issues are identified using an evidence-based approach. Brent’s JSNA has been developed as an interactive tool, hosted in Power BI, to present the latest...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about residents by their country of birth. The analysis explores what the new statistics tell us about Brent’s migrant population and how things have changed since 2011.  Update (May 2023) Since this briefing was published (November 2022), ONS has released a more detailed breakdown of the population by country of birth for 189 different countries (instead...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

2021 Census ward profiles for Brent - interactive tool. The profiles provide a summary of 2021 census indicators for each ward across a range of topics. These include: demography, diversity, employment, qualifications, housing and health. Alternative formats and accessibility The tool is visual in nature and not fully accessible to users of assistive technologies. Ward profiles have also been made available below...

Office for National Statistics
Updated a year ago

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is publishing a range of 2021 census datasets, in stages, during 2022 and 2023. Most 2021 census data published to date can found on the NOMIS website - the official website for census and labour market statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Bespoke census tables can also be created using the ONS custom...

Greater London Authority
Updated a year ago

Census-based population estimates for Brent wards for 2011 and 2021. These estimates were produced by the Greater London Authority (GLA), based on census counts at output area level from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Where output areas are split over ward boundaries, the estimates apportion data to each ward based on the number of residential addresses in each area. Note:...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about languages used in Brent and levels of proficiency in spoken English. Related data Since this briefing was published, two related census datasets have since been published on open data providing additional data on language. The first, summarises data on language by ward and the second dataset provides borough level figures on English language proficiency by...