London Borough of Brent
Updated a month ago

The Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme provides support for residents who are financially vulnerable and require assistance to pay their Council Tax. The report below provides data on the number of households in Brent receiving CTS by ward. Data are updated monthly. Related datasets: Statistics are also available on open data on the number of Council Tax exemptions and surcharges/premiums by ward.

London Borough of Brent
Updated a month ago

Council Tax rules allow for exemptions and additional charges, surcharges/premiums. This report provides information on the volume of these exemptions and surcharges for those council tax accounts affected by ward and in total. Data is updated monthly. Related datasets: Statistics are also available on open data on Council tax support by ward. The Council Tax Support scheme provides support for residents who are financially...

London Borough of Brent
Updated a month ago

Provides details of environmental prosecutions from 2016-present. Last updated June 2023. The Council enforces trading, licensing and public health legislation covering all aspects of consumer protection issues, rogue traders and food premises. It also enforces anti-fraud legislation in relation to dishonest claims for benefit. If businesses have been prosecuted for Health and Safety breaches, the details are published on the Health and Safety Executive website.

London Borough of Brent
Updated 4 months ago

Information on public health funerals in Brent from 2012-2024. Includes information about: month of death, sex, age band, next of kin, funeral type, date of funeral, cost of funeral, whether cost recovered and whether the case was referred to the treasury solicitor. Public health funerals have also been previously known as national assistance funerals and pauper funerals. If a person dies...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 8 months ago

This briefing summarises census data about sexual orientation and gender identity in Brent. All figures relate to the adult population aged 16 and over.  Update: Data quality - census gender identity statistics In November 2023, ONS released a report on the quality of gender identity data collected on the census which raises some questions about how accurate the data might be. The...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 9 months ago

Housing indicators from the 2021 Census mapped. This census atlas provides a set of maps detailing how a range of housing indicators vary at small area level across Brent. The maps show variation across Brent’s 181 Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs). Figures are also shown for the borough’s 22 ward areas in chart form alongside each map. The atlas is designed...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 9 months ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about housing in Brent. This includes analysis of households by: housing tenure, accommodation type, household size, occupancy levels and type of central heating. Census housing data at ward and small area level has also been analysed and mapped in a separate ‘census atlas’ report - this is also available on Brent Open Data. Accessibility The briefing is...

Office for National Statistics
Added a year ago

This table provides 2021 census data on main language by proficiency in spoken English for Brent. The table is based on the population aged 3 and over, as at March 2021. About this data The census form asked respondents what their main language was: English or another language. Those using a language other than English were asked to specify the language, and...

Greater London Authority
Updated a year ago

Population projections for Brent by age, gender and ward, from the Greater London Authority (GLA). Provided below are: the raw datasets; a briefing which summarises the data for Brent with accompanying tables; and a link to an interactive tool which allows users to explore the data in more detail. About the data The GLA publishes a range of population projections on GLA datastore....

London Borough of Brent
Updated a year ago

This briefing summarises 2021 census data about patterns of economic activity in Brent, and explores levels of labour market participation across different population groups. Accessibility The briefing below is provided here in PDF format and efforts have been made to ensure that the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you cannot access the material and require it...