London Borough of Brent
Updated 4 months ago

Information on public health funerals in Brent from 2012-2024. Includes information about: month of death, sex, age band, next of kin, funeral type, date of funeral, cost of funeral, whether cost recovered and whether the case was referred to the treasury solicitor. Public health funerals have also been previously known as national assistance funerals and pauper funerals. If a person dies...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

This report looks at the pay gap by gender, ethnicity and disability, for all Brent Council employees (excluding schools). The latest report relates to the workforce as at 31st March 2023. The report has been published as part of the Council’s commitment to transparency and includes the gender pay gap data required as outlined in the Equality Act Regulations 2017.   Information about...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

The council’s pay policy outlines Brent’s policy on pay and benefits for all employees (excluding schools) and has been developed to meet the relevant statutory provisions of the Localism Act 2011. The policy includes data on the ‘pay multiple’ which is the ratio between the highest paid salary and the lowest/median. This information has been published in line with the local government...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

Annual performance reports on corporate and statutory complaints in Brent. Accessibility: These reports may not be fully accessible for users of assistive technologies. If you require the material in a different format, please contact the open data team to discuss your requirements ([email protected]).

London Borough of Brent
Updated 5 months ago

The Council’s annual workforce equalities report presents the demographics of council staff and details progress on meeting workforce equality objectives. Accessibility: The latest report is provided in PDF format and is visual in nature, including numerous charts. Efforts have been made to ensure the report is accessible to users of assistive technologies. However, if you require the material in a different format,...

London Borough of Brent
Updated 6 months ago

Each class of information covered by the scheme is identified by a title followed by a definition of the information covered by the class. In some cases particular information is excluded from the class, for example, because it is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act or other legislation.

London Borough of Brent
Updated 6 months ago

Strategies and plans for a range of Brent Council's initiatives

London Borough of Brent
Updated 8 months ago

This briefing summarises census data about sexual orientation and gender identity in Brent. All figures relate to the adult population aged 16 and over.  Update: Data quality - census gender identity statistics In November 2023, ONS released a report on the quality of gender identity data collected on the census which raises some questions about how accurate the data might be. The...

Tackling health inequalities Localised services for local needs

Raised aspirations, achievement and attainment Young people are seen and heard