Viewing 293 Datasets…

Geographic Coverage
2001 Census Key Statistics
179.45 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Adults not in employment and dependent children and persons with a long-term health problem or disability
22.40 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Car or Van Availability
25.50 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough country of birth
22.33 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Country of Birth (detailed)
39.51 kB
BrentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Dwellings, Household Spaces, and Accommodation Type
27.14 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Economic Activity
26.53 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Ethnic Group with Gini-Simpson Index
25.91 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Health and Provision of Unpaid Care
27.19 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Hours Worked
24.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Household Composition
23.53 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Household Composition - Households
28.59 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Household Composition - People
28.61 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Households by deprivation dimension
26.17 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Household size
25.49 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Industry
32.51 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Living Arrangements
22.18 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough lone parent households with dependent children
22.68 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Marital Status
22.37 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough method of travel to work
23.73 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Population by single year of age, selected ages, and gender
67.04 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Qualification and Students
23.89 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Religion
22.18 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Rooms, Bedrooms, and Central Heating
22.09 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Borough Tenure Households
26.81 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Adults not in employment and dependent children and persons with a long-term health problem or disability
39.39 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Car or Van Availability
46.95 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward country of birth
49.15 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Dwellings
33.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Economic Activity
60.30 kB
BrentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Ethnic Group
49.22 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Health and Provision of Unpaid Care
44.65 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Hours Worked
46.07 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Household Composition
50.56 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Household Composition - Households
64.45 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Households by deprivation dimension
44.94 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Household size
52.46 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Household Spaces, and Accommodation Type
39.65 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Living Arrangements
53.64 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward lone parent households with dependent children
53.79 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Marital Status
45.03 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward method of travel to work
55.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Qualification and Students
56.25 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Religion
41.52 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Rooms, Bedrooms, and Central Heating
45.69 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Single Year of Age
133.49 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2001 to 2011 Census Ward Tenure Households
43.86 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Accommodation type by household spaces
19.95 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Accommodation type by type of central heating in household by tenure
22.23 kB
BrentOGL v3
14 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Age of Arrival in UK
25.05 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Country of Birth by Age of Arrival in UK
21.37 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough country of birth by ethnic group by gender
32.83 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough country of birth by gender by age
25.90 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough country of birth by religion by gender
26.17 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough disability by general health by ethnic group by gender by age
39.68 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Dwelling type by central heating by occupancy rating (rooms) by religion of (HRP)
24.49 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by ethnic group of (HRP)
29.38 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by religion of (HRP)
24.52 kB
BrentOGL v3
14 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) by ethnic group of (HRP)
59.50 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough economic activity by country of birth by gender by age
64.64 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough economic activity by hours worked by gender by disability
23.04 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough economic activity by passports held by gender by age
91.49 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough economic activity by religion by gender by age
37.16 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Ethnic Group by Age of Arrival in the UK
21.29 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough ethnic group by gender by age
29.37 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Ethnic Group by Provision of Unpaid Care by General Health
27.04 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Household Language
22.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Length of Residence in the UK
24.41 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough living arrangements by gender by age - household reference persons
21.44 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough main language by gender by age
24.19 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Main language (detailed)
28.95 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough marital and civil partnership status by gender by age - household reference persons
21.22 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough National Identity by Ethnic Group
21.86 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough national identity by gender by age
25.74 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough National Identity by Religion
20.57 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough NS-SeC by gender by age - household reference persons
22.43 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Number of bedrooms by accommodation type by age of dependent children
24.85 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Number of bedrooms by tenure by age of dependent children
25.28 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough passports held by gender by age
24.58 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Proficiency in English
21.32 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Proficiency in English by Age of Arrival in the UK
20.17 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough proficiency in English by gender by age
23.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough provision of unpaid care by general health by gender by age
24.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census borough religion by gender by age
24.28 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Religion (detailed)
25.46 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group
27.27 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP)
27.01 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by car or van availability by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP)
23.06 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by economic activity by age - Household Reference Persons
26.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by ethnic group by age - Household Reference Persons
33.54 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by household composition
21.51 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by household size by number of bedrooms
23.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by household size by number of rooms
25.20 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by NS-SeC by age - Household Reference Persons
25.98 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by number of bedrooms by occupation of Household Reference Person (HRP)
25.23 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by accommodation type
23.98 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by household type
24.51 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by number of persons per room in household by accommodation type
23.94 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Tenure by occupation by age - Household Reference Persons
24.02 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Borough Year of Arrival in UK
20.02 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Definitions
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
2011 Census disability by general health by religion by gender by age
47.12 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census economic activity by ethnic group by gender by age
55.99 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census long term health problem or disability by health by gender by age
24.99 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census - NS-SeC of Household Reference Person - for households with students
21.05 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census - NS-SeC of Household Reference Person - for households with students - wards
38.76 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Accommodation type by household spaces
29.89 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Accommodation type by type of central heating in household by tenure
60.24 kB
BrentOGL v3
14 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Age of Arrival in UK
39.41 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Alperton
396.97 kB
AlpertonOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Barnhill
434.30 kB
BarnhillOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Brondesbury Park
451.85 kB
Brondesbury ParkOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Dollis Hill
431.45 kB
Dollis HillOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Dudden Hill
438.21 kB
Dudden HillOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Fryent
435.75 kB
FryentOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Harlesden
435.75 kB
HarlesdenOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Kensal Green
445.86 kB
Kensal GreenOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Kenton
437.88 kB
KentonOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Kilburn
448.80 kB
KilburnOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Mapesbury
451.78 kB
MapesburyOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Northwick Park
451.78 kB
Northwick ParkOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Preston
451.28 kB
PrestonOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Queensbury
437.64 kB
QueensburyOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Queens Park
435.53 kB
Queens ParkOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Stonebridge
433.09 kB
StonebridgeOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Sudbury
445.60 kB
SudburyOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Tokyngton
435.37 kB
TokyngtonOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Welsh Harp
432.22 kB
Welsh HarpOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Wembley Central
437.59 kB
Wembley CentralOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Brief Willesden Green
433.50 kB
Willesden GreenOGL v3
22 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Country of birth by age of arrival in UK
46.36 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward country of birth by ethnic group by gender
266.60 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward country of birth by gender by age
129.98 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward country of birth by religion by gender
135.91 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by religion of (HRP)
93.88 kB
BrentOGL v3
14 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) and religion of HRP
79.94 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) by ethnic group of HRP
139.53 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Dwelling type by type of CH in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by ethnic group of (HRP)
139.77 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward economic activity by country of birth by gender by age
1018.14 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward economic activity by ethnic group by gender by age
868.65 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward economic activity by hours worked by gender by long-term health problem or disability
110.05 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward economic activity by passports held by gender by age
1001.63 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward economic activity by religion by gender by age
305.05 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Ethnic group by age of arrival in the UK
46.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward ethnic group by gender by age
212.86 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Ethnic group by provision of unpaid care by general health
118.61 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Ethnic Group by Religion
54.75 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward general health by NS-SeC by gender by age
164.76 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Household Language
29.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Length of Residence in the UK
30.61 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward living arrangements by gender by age - household reference persons
53.78 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward long-term health problem or disability by general health by religion by gender by age
348.11 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward long term health problem or disability by health by gender by age
85.88 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward long-term health problem or disability by NS-SeC by gender by age
118.81 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Main language (detailed)
107.80 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward marital and civil partnership status by gender by age - household reference persons
44.99 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward National identity by ethnic group
57.55 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward national identity by gender by age
127.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward National identity by religion
37.46 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward NS-SeC by ethnic group by gender by age
884.27 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward NS-SeC by gender by age -(HRP)
61.51 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward NS-SeC by religion by gender by age
437.58 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Number of bedrooms by accommodation type by age of dependent children
99.69 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Number of bedrooms by tenure by age of dependent children
110.39 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward passports held by gender by age
100.15 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Proficiency in English
30.64 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Proficiency in English by age of arrival in the UK
29.42 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward proficiency in English by gender by age
132.00 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census ward provision of unpaid care by general health by gender by age
81.44 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Religion (detailed)
74.87 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census wards main language by gender by age
93.64 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group
141.57 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP)
133.97 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by car or van availability by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP)
77.06 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by economic activity by age -Household Reference Persons
137.24 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by ethnic group by age - Household Reference Persons
232.33 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by household composition
51.73 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by household size by number of bedrooms
93.95 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by household size by number of rooms
108.97 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by NS-SeC by age - Household Reference Persons
119.28 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by number of bedrooms by occupation of Household Reference Person (HRP)
104.87 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by household type
99.30 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by number of persons per room in household by accommodation type
99.52 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Tenure by occupation by age - Household Reference Persons
89.96 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Dec 2021
2011 Census Ward Year of Arrival in UK
35.41 kB
BrentOGL v3
09 Dec 2021
2021 Census - Brent ward profile tool
455.18 kB
Brent, WardsOGL v3
20 Apr 2023
2021 Census: data and resources
Brent, WardsOGL v3
14 Apr 2023
2021 Census - First release
3.17 MB
BrentOGL v3
06 Jul 2022
2021 Census: ONS census atlas tool
BrentOGL v3
03 Nov 2022
Adult Safeguarding - JSNA 2019/20
454.57 kB
BrentOGL v3
24 Apr 2020
Affordable housing products in Brent and their affordability to target client groups
362.58 kB
BrentOGL v3
11 Jan 2022
Air Quality - JSNA 2019/20
855.47 kB
BrentOGL v3
24 Apr 2020
Alperton Diversity Profile
761.68 kB
AlpertonOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Annual workforce equalities report - Brent Council
3.28 MB
BrentOGL v3
13 Feb 2024
Barnhill Diversity profile
797.56 kB
BarnhillOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Best Start for Life – JSNA 2023
1.61 MB
BrentOGL v3
16 Jul 2024
Brent 2011 Census Profile
6.54 MB
BrentOGL v3
21 Dec 2021
Brent Borough Plan
4.69 MB
BrentOGL v3
05 Apr 2023
Brent Census Atlas 2021 - Ethnicity
7.07 MB
Wards, Brent
11 Apr 2023
Brent census atlas 2021 - Housing
8.17 MB
Brent, WardsOGL v3
30 Oct 2023
Brent Census Atlas 2021 - Religion
3.69 MB
Brent, Wards, Lower Super Output AreaOGL v3
11 Apr 2023
Brent Council Waste Contract
13.49 kB
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Brent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2019/20
BrentOGL v3
10 Jun 2021
Brent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2023
631.76 kB
Brent, WardsOGL v3
03 Sep 2024
Brondesbury Park Diversity Profile
842.82 kB
Wards, Brondesbury ParkOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Childhood Obesity - JSNA 2019/20
766.87 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Children and Young People - JSNA 2019-20
1.75 MB
BrentOGL v3
10 Jun 2021
Climate Change - JSNA 2019/20
1.34 MB
BrentOGL v3
24 Apr 2020
Community profile: Evidence pack
7.60 MB
BrentOGL v3
11 May 2021
BrentOGL v3
14 Feb 2024
Constitution - Brent Council
BrentOGL v3
16 Aug 2023
Contracts and tenders
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Controlled Parking Spaces
170.93 kB
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Corporate Performance 2017-18
OGL v3
10 Jan 2022
Corporate Performance 2018-19
6.45 MB
BrentOGL v3
10 Jan 2022
Council Tax exemptions and surcharges/premiums
51.56 kB
Wards, BrentOGL v3
05 Sep 2024
Council Tax Support
51.32 kB
Brent, WardsOGL v3
05 Sep 2024
Country of birth topic report - 2021 Census
2.49 MB
BrentOGL v3
22 May 2023
Diabetes - JSNA 2019/20
1.04 MB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Dollis Hill Diversity Profile
778.14 kB
Wards, Dollis HillOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Domestic Abuse - JSNA 2019/20
980.50 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Drug and Alcohol Needs Assessment - JSNA 2023
425.65 kB
BrentOGL v3
16 Jul 2024
Dudden Hill Diversity Profile
762.26 kB
Wards, Dudden HillOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Economic activity in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
4.91 MB
Brent, Wards
09 Aug 2023
Economy and Employment - JSNA 2019/20
2.72 MB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Equality profile of Brent
2.74 MB
BrentOGL v3
16 Jul 2021
Ethnicity in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
3.27 MB
BrentOGL v3
06 Jan 2023
European Union Settlement Scheme Statistics
269.91 kB
BrentOGL v3
17 Mar 2022
Female Genital Mutilation - JSNA 2019/20
1.14 MB
BrentOGL v3
10 Jun 2021
FOI Publication Scheme
OGL v3
01 Feb 2024
796 bytes
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Fryent Diversity Profile
769.56 kB
Wards, FryentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Gangs and serious youth violence - JSNA 2019/20
615.42 kB
Brent, Alperton, Barnhill, Brondesbury Park, Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill, Fryent, Harlesden, Kensal Green, Kenton, Kilburn, Mapesbury, Northwick Park, Preston, Queens Park, Queensbury, Stonebridge, Sudbury, Tokyngton, Welsh Harp, Wembley Central, Willesden GreenOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Government Procurement Card Transactions
916.16 kB
BrentOGL v3
12 Jun 2024
Grants to voluntary and community groups
37.96 kB
Brent, Alperton, Barnhill, Brondesbury Park, Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill, Fryent, Harlesden, Kensal Green, Kenton, Kilburn, Mapesbury, Northwick Park, Preston, Queens Park, Queensbury, Stonebridge, Sudbury, Tokyngton, Welsh Harp, Wembley Central, Willesden GreenOGL v3
14 Feb 2022
Harlesden Diversity Profile
787.54 kB
Wards, HarlesdenOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Health and Lifestyle - JSNA 2019/20
1011.81 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Homelessness Review 2019
1.18 MB
BrentOGL v3
21 Dec 2021
Housing in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
5.02 MB
BrentOGL v3
30 Oct 2023
Indices of Deprivation 2019
Alperton, Barnhill, Brent, Brondesbury Park, Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill, Fryent, Harlesden, Kensal Green, Kenton, Kilburn, Mapesbury, Northwick Park, Preston, Queens Park, Queensbury, Stonebridge, Sudbury, Tokyngton, Welsh Harp, Wembley Central, Willesden GreenOGL v3
17 Sep 2021
Indices of Deprivation 2019 (JSNA)
5.05 MB
Alperton, Barnhill, Brent, Brondesbury Park, Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill, Fryent, Harlesden, Kensal Green, Kenton, Kilburn, Mapesbury, Northwick Park, Preston, Queens Park, Queensbury, Stonebridge, Sudbury, Tokyngton, Welsh Harp, Wembley Central, Willesden GreenOGL v3
10 Jun 2021
Kensal Green Diversity Profile
851.75 kB
Wards, Kensal GreenOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Kenton Diversity Profile
782.75 kB
Wards, KentonOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Kilburn Diversity Profile
770.54 kB
Wards, KilburnOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Labour market profile of Brent (ONS)
BrentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Land and Property
112.03 kB
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Language by ward - 2021 Census
23.33 kB
WardsOGL v3
14 Jun 2023
Language in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
1.61 MB
BrentOGL v3
30 Jan 2023
Library User Research
7.86 MB
BrentOGL v3
16 Nov 2020
Main language by proficiency in English - 2021 Census
32.46 kB
BrentOGL v3
29 Aug 2023
Mapesbury Diversity Profile
791.93 kB
Wards, MapesburyOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Mid-year population estimates – 2023 (ONS)
BrentOGL v3
20 Aug 2024
Migrants and Refugees - JSNA 2019-20
861.91 kB
BrentOGL v3
06 Oct 2020
Noise and Nuisance - JSNA 2019/20
522.25 kB
BrentOGL v3
24 Apr 2020
Northwick Park Diversity Profile
838.75 kB
Wards, Northwick ParkOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Oral Health - JSNA 2019/20
1.78 MB
BrentOGL v3
24 Apr 2020
Oral Health Needs Assessment - JSNA 2023
2.34 MB
BrentOGL v3
16 Jul 2024
Organisational structure - senior staff
10.98 kB
BrentOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Pandemic impacts: resident need and support in Brent - evidence pack
15.70 MB
BrentOGL v3
09 Jul 2021
Parking Annual Report
5.63 MB
BrentOGL v3
17 Jan 2022
Pay gap - Brent Council workforce
838.39 kB
BrentOGL v3
12 Mar 2024
Pay policy statement (including pay multiple)
191.23 kB
BrentOGL v3
06 Mar 2024
Population projections for Brent - GLA
5.06 MB
BrentOGL v3
14 Aug 2023
Preston Diversity Profile
824.80 kB
Wards, PrestonOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Prosecutions register
57.66 kB
BrentOGL v3
13 Jun 2024
Public health funerals
65.41 kB
OGL v3
28 Mar 2024
Qualifications in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
2.68 MB
Brent, Wards, Lower Super Output AreaOGL v3
09 Aug 2023
Queensbury Diversity Profile
781.84 kB
Wards, QueensburyOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Queens Park Diversity Profile
793.02 kB
Wards, Queens ParkOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Religion in Brent – 2021 Census factsheet
507.45 kB
BrentOGL v3
06 Jan 2023
Residents Attitude Survey 2018
7.93 MB
OGL v3
16 Nov 2020
Residents Attitude Survey 2018: Ward reports
405.81 kB
Alperton, Barnhill, Brent, Brondesbury Park, Dollis Hill, Dudden Hill, Fryent, Harlesden, Kensal Green, Kenton, Kilburn, Mapesbury, Northwick Park, Preston, Queens Park, Stonebridge, Queensbury, Sudbury, Tokyngton, Welsh Harp, Wembley Central, Willesden GreenOGL v3
16 Nov 2020
Salaries £50k and over
200.35 kB
BrentOGL v3
21 Apr 2022
SEND Needs Assessment - JSNA 2023
6.84 MB
BrentOGL v3
16 Jul 2024
Sexual and Reproductive Health - JSNA 2019/20
1.60 MB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
Smoking Prevalence - JSNA 2019/20
774.66 kB
BrentOGL v3
02 Apr 2020
South Kilburn Demographic Profile
1.24 MB
KilburnOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Stonebridge Diversity Profile
820.10 kB
Wards, StonebridgeOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Strategies and Plans
OGL v3
01 Feb 2024
Substance Misuse - JSNA 2019/20
1.60 MB
BrentOGL v3
21 Apr 2020
Sudbury Diversity Profile
845.07 kB
Wards, SudburyOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) for 2023-2024
6.10 MB
BrentOGL v3
07 Aug 2024
The LGBTQ+ population in Brent - 2021 Census topic report
3.47 MB
Brent, Middle Super Output AreaOGL v3
21 Nov 2023
Tobacco profile
590.73 kB
BrentOGL v3
15 Mar 2016
Tokyngton Diversity Profile
794.67 kB
Wards, TokyngtonOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Trade Union Facility Time
159.29 kB
BrentOGL v3
20 Aug 2024
Transparency code - key datasets
BrentOGL v3
14 Feb 2022
Transportation - JSNA 2019/20
848.85 kB
BrentOGL v3
10 Jun 2021
Ward population estimates (GLA) - 2021 Census
444.15 kB
Brent, WardsOGL v3
03 Mar 2023
Welsh Harp Diversity Profile
781.68 kB
Wards, Welsh HarpOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
Wembley Central Diversity Profile
761.43 kB
Wards, Wembley CentralOGL v3
18 Jan 2022
What we spend
37.99 MB
BrentOGL v3
06 Jun 2024
Willesden Green Diversity Profile
789.41 kB
Wards, Willesden GreenOGL v3
18 Jan 2022